by Laura Moriarty
Book: While I’m Falling Author: Laura Moriarty Genre: Fiction/Family/Mother|Daughter Relationships/Reflection/Divorce/Struggle Summary (from flap of Hyperion edition): In While I’m Falling, Laura Moriarty presents a compelling depiction of how one young woman’s life changes when her family bre...
I'm feeling like I'm in kind of a slump here. The past several books I've read have just been too unbelievable and all the plot-wise events have felt convenient and contrived. This one was not an exception.For starters, the whole ice storm/accident/trucker pick up event was unnecessary. I think M...
I like Laura Moriarty. I really do. She's really, really nice and her first novel, The Center of Everything, was quite good. I had a lot of hopes for her. I scooped her second novel up right away. Huge disappointment. And when the third, While I'm Falling came out, I was slow to buy it and even slow...
Purtroppo la vita ti pone spesso di fronte a situazioni per cui non sei affatto preparata. E’ appunto questo ciò che accade a Veronica, studentessa del college felicemente fidanzata con Tim, figlia adorata. Il mondo le crolla addosso quando i suoi genitori decidono di divorziare e tutto comincia imp...
I seem to be on a run of divorce stories lately (coincidence), which is how I ended up with Laura Moriarty's While I'm Falling in my recent library binge. This book cheered me up, but not in the way I'd hoped.::: The Plot :::Veronica is the younger daughter of two typical middle class parents. Dad i...
The angst of the mother-daughter relationship is thoroughly explored in this book as only the skillful writing of Laura Moriarty can do. However, also contained in this book is exploration of an example of how a long time marriage can end up in divorce. The book is structured around the parallel a...