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Whitley Strieber
I publish both fiction and nonfiction. My most famous works of fiction are the Wolfen, the Hunger, Warday (with James Kunetka), Superstorm (with Art Bell), Majestic and the Grays. My best-known works of nonfiction are Communion and the Communion series: Transformation, Breakthrough, Confirmation,... show more

I publish both fiction and nonfiction. My most famous works of fiction are the Wolfen, the Hunger, Warday (with James Kunetka), Superstorm (with Art Bell), Majestic and the Grays. My best-known works of nonfiction are Communion and the Communion series: Transformation, Breakthrough, Confirmation, the Secret School and Solving the Communion Enigma. I've also published the Key and have just finished Super Natural: a New Vision of the Unexplained with Rice University Religion Chair Jeffry J. Kripal. It will be published by Tarcher/Penguin in February of 2016.I had a close encounter of the third kind in December of 1985. This was universally taken to be an encounter with aliens, and I became the media's poster boy for alien abduction. The fact that I had prefaced Communion with ""the enigmatic presence of the human mind winks back from the dark" was entirely ignored.I do not understand what causes the abduction experience, but I do know that it is not presently identified and is in need of study, as is the whole area of what is generally called "the paranormal." This is why Jeff and I have written Super Natural. It is time to go beyond the millennia long debate about whether or not the paranormal is real and find out what it is.This is why Tarcher is called Super Natural the most important book on the subject since Charles Fort published the Book of the Damned in 1919.

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shannonblackman rated it 7 years ago
I'm giving up on this one half way through. I'm tired of rolling my eyes after every paragraph.
litavore rated it 9 years ago
I'm a child of the 80's so most of the book hype I remember were Communion and a handful of stuff on bigfoot. Do I decided that after all these years I'd cave and finally give Communion a chance. I do like that Streiber didn't try to over do the dramatic moments in the book and he was very down to e...
So many books so little time
So many books so little time rated it 11 years ago
This book is a collection of short stories that are inspired by Richard Matheson to honor his memory. I didn't know anything about this book before I bought it....I tend to say that a lot with books I buy at the dollar tree huh...oh well...anyways I think that this book was a good buy. Overall it ...
Book Sand Worm
Book Sand Worm rated it 11 years ago
The BasicsFather John Rafferty finds himself as one of the lead suspects when a young woman he was close to, Maria, is killed. His church comes under scrutiny as does his personal character, but there may be something much more sinister at work beneath the surface. Something demonic.My ThoughtsHere’...
sensitivemuse rated it 11 years ago
I loved the book for the action. The utter chaos and graphic depictions in the book are rather hard to swallow at times so it might not be for the feint of heart. It’s a typical story plot where you have elements of aliens and the government going hand in hand. So, don’t expect anything new or diff...
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