by Kate Ross
I think Ross does a fantastic job of writing a complex mystery with many different interlocking facets. Thats what I like most about her writing style. She really does know how to spin a tale. Her mysteries and endings are never simple. It's tragic that her life was cut so short and I will make sure...
The beautiful, young and charming Alexander Falkland, toast of the ton, has been murdered and in the middle of one of his famous parties. His grief-stricken father recruits Julian Kestrel to investigate. As Julian peels back the layers of the mystery it is clear that all is not as it seems.This is...
I liked this one a bit better than Broken Vessel, although it’s also sad and gritty. It was really nice to get a bit more background about Julian, which helped to make him a lot more real than before. [Nov. 2010]
Loved this book. Loved it! This series just gets stronger and stronger with each passing novel. Sadly, I only have one left to read, and I can't help but wonder where Julian, Dipper and all the rest would be today had the author not passed on. I love the fact that I can never figure out who the ...
This is second book I have read by this author. It is more involved than her first one. I'm sorry to find out that the author of this series died young and only wrote four books because I would love to read more about Julian Kestrel and the Regency period.
Ross’s detective is Julian Kestrel, a rake who, with the help of Dipper, a reformed pickpocket, solves crimes that leave the Bow Street Runners (Scotland Yard’s predecessors) baffled. Naturally, I wanted to read the earlier Kestrel novels and I’m pleased to report that Ross’s first novel, ...