by Anne Stuart
Completed Reread 8/8/15I needed a quick palate cleanser after a less than satisfactory DNF romance. Anne Stuart always does the trick. I allowed my Kindle Text-to-Speech to read to me as I was supposed to be going to sleep early this morning, and it was lovely. I usually avoid super short romance st...
Short storyI liked this story. A governess has to buy a trip back home with her virginity but finds herself rescued instead, kind of. Enjoyable.
For some time now I've been wanting to read Anne Stuart but as usual my TBR goes on and on and sometimes the best is left for last. Even though I only read it now, I know that I'm in for a ride with this lady's and the so called gentleman that marvelously live between this pages. Venice, 1740. ...
Reread before starting Ruthless. I guess I was exactly in the right mood for this, because I enjoyed it quite a bit more on the second read, despite its briefness. Short and to the point -- he's bad, she's good, they're made for each other, end of story.
Short prequel book to The House of Rohan series. Nothing ground moving. Trying to decide if I want to read the series or not.
A real quickie, pleasurable and enjoyable despite its shortness. I feel rather compelled to read the "true" trilogy.P.S. I still wish this one was a little longer. The ending seemed a bit rushed. I missed a little more "poetry". ;)