by Tracey Martin
Jessica hungers for misery. She feeds on it. She thrives on it. In some ways it’s fortunate that she is so very miserable herself. Refused by the Gryphons after her magical talent was so badly cursed, she now makes a living trading souls – helping desperate people out of the deals they make with the...
I stumbled on this book on one of the Goodreads ads and said what the hell, it seems right up my alley so i got it. Spoilers below, so you can't say you haven't been warned.....The general concept of it is more then good, a solid background for a pnr series. But there were some really big issues thr...
Wicked Misery is the first book in the new Miss Misery series and what an opener it was, I loved it! In a very different world, the supernatural is commonplace, filled with humans that can be used for the pleasure of various supernaturals known as Predators (preds) of which there are a few species....