by John Sandford
I don't even know what to say. You have Lucas's ward (Letty) trying to justifying killing someone because if she does it that means Lucas won't be involved with it. It makes zero sense and it turned me off the character. She also has a couple of disgusting comments about using people that made me da...
Wicked Prey, Wicked Prey by John Sandford, is maybe 3 Stars. Seriously liked reading about the area since I have spent a lot of time there. Having family in Hudson, WI., where the bad guys stage out of, made it real. Multiple angles are played by the bad guys as they execute some interesting robber...
Another good one by Sandford. i would have to say that the Prey series is my favorite series and has never failed to provide entertainment. I was worried about this one due to the obvious political bias of the author but he managed to pull it off and make it an enjoyable read.
Classic Davenport story. I'm listening to it and I'm on Disc 6. I'm enjoying learning more about Lettie and Lucas' relationship, as she always seemed very 2-dimensional until this book.
Classic Davenport story. I'm listening to it and I'm on Disc 6. I'm enjoying learning more about Lettie and Lucas' relationship, as she always seemed very 2-dimensional until this book.
3.5 starsI've been enjoying the Prey series for about six or seven years now. Always fun for light reading. Lucas Davenport is sort of like Encyclopedia Brown---he never gets skunked. I think my favorites in the series are the ones with Clara Rinker, girl assassin, but all of them are good.This on...
Classic Davenport. Lots going on, great characters.