Wie ein Ruf in der Stille
Sandra Brown (author)
9783442366958 (344236695X)
Publish date: 2007
Publisher: Blanvalet
Edition language: Deutsch
Adult Fiction,
Category Romance,
Contemporary Romance,
Womens Fiction,
Chick Lit,
Severly formula fiction. Lauri is the young teacher of the deaf, Jennifer is her student that she's asked to privately teach, Drake is Jennifers Father who's still mourning his dead wife. If you can't guess the plot, you need help!
Eloquent Silence by Sandra BrownLaurie has agreed to teach his daughter at his home and take her out of the institution she was placed in because he couldn't do it all himself an be a soap opera actor.She, at dinner, tells Drake about her husband and never wants to talk about it again.Jennifer is th...
It was a nice book, but not as nice as Sandra Brown other books.It just wasn't so emotional, spontaneous, exciting, touching like in the other books.This is the book i like the less, but i still like it.Drake is an actor and a single father with a 3 years old deaf girl. He hires a private teacher to...
Deaf-student teacher is hired by attractive soap-opera actor to become his daughter's private, live-in tutor. She has hard time resisting sexual offers of this non-committing hero who promised not to love again after his wife died. Read this book the 1st time 15 yrs ago & liked it. Just re-read it &...
Sandra Brown never disappoints. This is one of her older books (1982) but it really reads like it could be a book that was written recently. All of her books are like that. You can't tell that it was written 28 years ago and I think that speaks volumes for the author.Eloquent Silence was a great sto...