Wil Haygood
Birth date: September 19, 1954
Wil Haygood's Books
From Guggenheim and National Endowment for the Humanities fellow Wil Haygood comes a mesmerizing inquiry into the life of Eugene Allen, the butler who ignited a nation's imagination and inspired a major motion picture: Lee Daniels' The Butler, the highly anticipated film that stars six Oscar winners...
Blog Stories Review: http://storiesbooksandmovies.blogspot.it/2014/02/the-butler-un-maggiordomo-alla-casa.htmlPer un anziano nero come Eugene Allen, in quel momento seduto in solitudine nella sua casa del quadrante Northwest di Washington, il balzo in avanti era un qualcosa epico: dalla piantagione ...
A fascinating glimpse into the life of a man that served in the White House for 34 years under 8 administrations.
On the cusp of Obama's election, Washington Post writer Wil Haygood sought to find an African American butler. His goal was to interview a butler who witnessed the civil rights movement from inside the White House. In 2008, Wil Haygood found and met Eugene Allen, a remarkable man who worked as a but...