This was interesting and made me think and this is why I'm adding it here. ETA: This is a bit long. It brought up some of the anxiety I have annually when work wants me to sign the Disability Survey, the question they ask is if you have a physical or mental condition that impacts your ability t...
A Properly Unhaunted Place was a properly beautiful read. Its cheesy, but true. William Alexander seems to have this magical ability to suck a reader straight into a story. From the first couple of pages you’re there, seeing it, hearing it, and cheering for the main characters. The main characters w...
Sequel to Ambassador, which I also loved. I read this one just after the election, and a story about a Latino kid saving the world through diplomacy while facing his father’s deportation was both heartbreaking and really affirming. Alexander is great at quiet, kid-centered SFF, which engages thought...
A Cybils book. I read Space Case and Ambassador back to back, which was an interesting experience. While they have some outward similarities, they’re quite different in intent and tone. I loved Gabriel Fuentes, who is definitely an 11-year-old boy but who is also a peacemaker, who as child of immigr...
I think this book was written for me. I decided in 2006 to learn French and I've been messing around with it ever since but William Alexander has really inspired me to pick it up again.Mr. Alexander takes us through about a year where he is really determined to learn French. He talks about the vari...
Moon Six: ★★★ An astronaut lands on the moon, only to find out it didn't belong to the Earth he comes from. A Brief Guide to Other Histories: ★★★ Meeting your doppelganger can't be good for you. Crystal Halloway & the Forgotten Passage:★★★ We've all been there as kids, we just don't remember. An Emp...
The Rev. Alexander was certainly a learned and widely-read gentleman, but I can't say I'm much of a fan of this collection. I find, having left it a few days, that it has left little impression on me; Alexander puts together elegant images, but they seem more discursive than impressive. The one time...
[These notes were made in 1987:]. William Alexander was Archbishop of Armagh 1896�1911. I would wish to give Fanny Alexander the principal author's credit, although the order is reversed on the title-page, because Mrs. Alexander's work comes first in the book, is larger in quantity, and I think ult...
[These notes were made in 1987:]. Subtitle: in the parish of Pyketillim, with Glimpses of the Parish Politics about A.D. 1843. According to that bottomless source of Scottish literary trivia, my father, this William Alexander was something of a local notable, and certainly if his book was illustrat...