Modern day Minneapolis finds Gabe Fuentes babysitting his two younger siblings at the playground and surreptitiously chatting with his best friend. They aren’t suppose to be chatting. After all, their last get together involved a home made rocket and a small fire. Essentially, they have been grounde...
I absolutely loved Book 1 in this series. I know, I can be a little kid sometimes. Book 2 was nearly as good and I quite enjoyed myself. Ghoulish Song gives us more of the steampunk flair, going into how the Inspector weighs and measures the quality of the bread loaves with his mechanic arms and eye...
I enjoyed this book far more than an adult should! There’s fun steampunk like gadgets, including human limbs, through out the book. The town of Zombay itself has it’s own character, with a north side bound over the river by a large bridge to south side. The river ends up playing a key role in the bo...
William Alexander's Ghoulish Song is a short read and an adventurous, magical tale. Though technically the companion to Goblin Secrets, in which readers are first introduced to the city of Zombay, it isn't necessary to read this previous offering to enjoy Kaile's story.Kaile dreams of being a musici...
When I was looking over the hundreds of books on my YA TBR mountain, Goblin Secrets jumped out at me. It is a 2012 National Book Award Winner in the Young People's Literature category. You can read an interview with William Alexander here. Goblin Secrets is his debut novel. Will also has a Minnesota...
3 oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.Cover Love:It's ok. I don't love it but I don't hate it.Why I Wanted to Read This:This wasn't even on my radar, then it won the National Book Award. I had to give it a try then! My Thoughts: This book flew under the radar for me. I had not even heard about it unti...
Quite a few people have been reading this since it was named as a National Book Award Finalist. I really liked it–I thought the language was gorgeous, the world that we’re dropped into was beautiful and beautifully described. I did feel that the ending was perhaps a tad rushed, but overall I can abs...