The history of this is interesting but the content was not. Between the dedication and intro I was already ready to toss this book. So much white male privilege. Gag.
هل يمكن تبرير استخدام القوة لتحقيق غاية ما؟ماذا إن كانت القوة هي الوسيلة الوحيدة ربما لإنقاذ حياة شخص؟ هل يُعتبر هذا مبرراً لاستخدامها؟على الرغم من بساطة هذه الأسئلة ... إلا أنها مهمة جداً... وعميقة فلسفياً. وهذه بالضبط هي الأسئلة التي ناقشتها هذه القصة الرائعة للكاتب الرائع ويليام كارلوس ويليامز. و...
Not as disturbing as I expected, but it is still very well written. The style is surprinsingly fresh for its epoque.
My first post on BookLikes, how exciting! I've turned to poetry in a big way recently, but I still feel unequipped to talk about poetry with the same sophistication and background as other appreciators, but here is my take anyway. Howl is, of course, Ginsberg's most famous work and generally known...
I sweet story of the trials of having family with issues
Williams work is a bit hard to keep up with. Poetry blends into prose and vice-versa. He doesn't follow conventional writing in either poetry or prose at all. There are tons of mistakes and incomplete sentences, but he does it on purpose to show that the imagination is more important than attempting...
I loved Howl and Song but wasn't too keen on the rest of didn't detract from my giving this short collection 5 stars though. I needed the frantic pace this book set and the sentiment really echoed with what i'm going through in my own life.
Obviously, "Howl" dominates this collection. In length as well as notoriety. The first section is a testament to what can be done with words. The third section is also good stuff. Though the second section is less impressive. But it's a 4 1/2 star poem, even by my harsh standards."A Supermarket in ...
beat poetry is not for me
It's painfully old-fashioned of me, but I really prefer my poetry with rhyme.