Good story, but I don't think I'm a fan of Twain's writing style.
When I turn 75, if I have a chance to get my young, toned, wrinkle-free, 20 year old body back- with improvements, in exchange for a stint in the military (hence the title Old Man's War), I'm going for it- you won't have to ask me twice! All aging adults are given this option by the Colonial Defense...
My fourth audiobook was my favourite one yet, but still not as enjoyable as reading at my own pace. I would never have even listened to Dead of Night (and would have instead eventually read it as an ebook) were it not for the fact that I forgot to suspend my Australian audiobook account. $14.95 late...
I enjoyed Aliens Ate My Homework. The story was creative, and the characters were fun, and I definitely think that it would appeal to reluctant readers, perhaps especially to boys. Our main character is a good boy who suffers at the hands of bullies. He does what he knows is right, even when that...
A nice story. It was more about Sloane and her family I think than Chase's but that's okay because we've already really gotten to know his family in the last two books and I was really captured by Sloane's situation and the way she chose to deal with it. When it came to Chase and Sloane romantically...