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William E. Jones
William E. Jones has made the films Massillon (1991) and Finished (1997); videos including The Fall of Communism as Seen in Gay Pornography (1998); and the documentary Is It Really So Strange? (2004). Jones's books include Is It Really So Strange? (2006), Tearoom (2008), Selections from The... show more

William E. Jones has made the films Massillon (1991) and Finished (1997); videos including The Fall of Communism as Seen in Gay Pornography (1998); and the documentary Is It Really So Strange? (2004). Jones's books include Is It Really So Strange? (2006), Tearoom (2008), Selections from The Anatomy of Melancholy by Robert Burton (2008), Heliogabalus (2009), "Killed": Rejected Images of the Farm Security Administration (2010), Halsted Plays Himself (2011), Between Artists: Thom Andersen/William E. Jones (2013), Imitation of Christ (2013), and Flesh and the Cosmos (2014). His work is exhibited by David Kordansky Gallery, Los Angeles; Galleria Raffaella Cortese, Milan; and The Modern Institute, Glasgow. His website is www.williamejones.com. He lives in Los Angeles.
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