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William Klaber
William Klaber is a part-time journalist. He lives in upstate New York on a hill overlooking Basket Creek, a short way upstream from where Lucy Lobdell lived 160 years ago.The farmhouse he bought with his wife, Jean, in 1980 had a history with Lucy's legend, but he didn't know that till years... show more

William Klaber is a part-time journalist. He lives in upstate New York on a hill overlooking Basket Creek, a short way upstream from where Lucy Lobdell lived 160 years ago.The farmhouse he bought with his wife, Jean, in 1980 had a history with Lucy's legend, but he didn't know that till years later when he sat down for breakfast with a longtime local historian who told him Lucy's story and showed him a leather satchel filled with recollections, newspaper articles, and letters about her, gathered over the years. In this collection was a copy of a self-written account of Lucy's early life that the historian had found in an unmarked box in a library basement. Despite his continued searching, the historian never found the memoir that Lucy had promised to write. Explaining that he had always thought to write a book of his own about Lucy but no longer felt up to it, the historian then handed the satchel to the author.
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Merle rated it 9 years ago
The opening of this book pulled me in with the promise of a fun adventure story, featuring a woman disguised as a man in 19th century America. But this novel is based on the life of a real woman, and by the last third it turns into a tragedy.In 1855, after a failed marriage and leaving her young dau...
Merle rated it 9 years ago
The opening of this book pulled me in with the promise of a fun adventure story, featuring a woman disguised as a man in 19th century America. But this novel is based on the life of a real woman, and by the last third it turns into a tragedy.In 1855, after a failed marriage and leaving her young dau...
jenniferwaggonerhartling rated it 11 years ago
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