Great story, well told.
This book was a great undertaking I'm sure but was well researched and written. Fills holes in on Washington's life. Best book I read all year. Don't know why I waited so long, my copy was getting yellow pages. We can sure use a Washington today!
2nd reading, almost 10 years later. Noticed some inconsistencies I may not have caught the first time; they did not detract from my overall enjoyment of the book.I was particularly impressed by the distinct voice of each storyteller.
A great historical novel that cuts back and forth to the present tying in multiple generations of one family from the start of this country to the present. The writing was such that I was completely absorbed and could visualize the lives of the characters. I want to read more by this author. The end...
No thanks! 1)I do not like ANY of the characters.2)You need to be very familiar with NYC, past and present. I've never been there.3)This author is a little too crass and crude for me. (Exhibit A = Gil and Loretta) I'm not bothered by sex talk, but when you make it gross I'd rather not read it.