I find the stories simultaneously too tidy (e.g. true) or too depressing, but I admire the breakfast-length story formats. Extra star for the 5 star title story, but then, I didn't read them all...
محموعة قصصية ممتعة وهادفة نوعاً مالم أكن من المطلعين على أسلوب الحياة الأرمنية من قبللكن هذا الكتاب أعطاني فكرة جملية عن حياة العائلة الأرمنية البسيطةالقصص يغلب عليها الطابع المغامراتي الصبيانيوالحق أن كل قصة منها كانت تحمل حكمة ماالترابط الأسري الجميل والقلوب النظيفة البسيطة للعائلةشخصيات العائلة ا...
The title is a misnomer. Not that there aren't some wonderful stories here, but they were never really chosen because they're the best American short stories of the 20th century. Rather, these are Updike's 56 picks out of the 2,000 stories originally chosen in the 84 volumes of a yearly anthology pu...
Though I'm not a fan of Saroyan's novels, as a short-story author few can beat him.For those of you who'd like to do a little arm-chair psychology -- my favorite story from this collection is "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" because it describes my personal relationships to a T.