Really helpful go-to book to have around with your first baby. Every time something has been wrong, we've looked it up in here and either found relief or good advice for a course of action.
This book is a good introduction to attachment parenting, and treatise on the path of least resistance and pains-in-the-ass for nighttime parenting. It is a bit repetitive (as if Sears wrote each of the chapters separately, or assumed readers would, including bits of information over and over in ea...
definitely a lot of good information, and a book worth having to refer back to over and over. that said i found his attitude really annoying. i think if you have a platform like a book it's fine to use it to highlight your opinion, and to put forward your theory on parenting (attachment in this ca...
Great information in an easy format. A little heavy handed on the attachment parenting stuff.
This book had some good points about babies and parenting but, unfortunately, it was the first book I read when my premature, colicky baby came home. I just about destroyed myself trying to follow the advice in this book. My husband and I suffered at the edicts of the 'Attachment parenting' model. ...