Okay book. Found it in the Lending Library and was intrigued by the simple cover and minimal description.The narration was really annoying and unrealistic. Kaci's narration is overly-detailed and nothing interesting happens until about a third of the way into the book. There is a lot of boring build...
Katie makes people nervous. One reason is because of her silver eyes, but there are other, less tangible things. Katie can move things with her mind and she's discovering new talents. She has lived with her grandmother for years, but after her grandmother's death, her mother asks her to live with he...
I feel strange putting up a review of this for my review month considering that none of my friends have read this, and probably aren't likely to considering that this is a children's book. I really don't care though. I read this when I was in the fourth grade and some of the scenes have never left m...
I read this as a kid and loved it, but I don't remember much about it. Will definitely reread it at some point.
I don't know what made me think of this book last night, but I did. It was a childhood favorite. I've probably read this one more times than I've ever read any other single book in the world. I considered this paperback to be one of my prized possessions. Boy, did I love this book!
I loved this book when I was a kid, so I was happy to find it stood up to adult reading. It's refreshing to find a tale of psychic children who use their powers not to save the world but to make their beds, harass their babysitters, and generally act like kids. The conflict arises from misunderstand...
When I was in grade school, I read several books in this series (and writing this I want to hide in embarrassment, but I was around 11 or 12). The books were for the most part predictable and very clean (romance, but nothing more than a kiss). Girl is torn between two boys who both like her, and s...
Book worm nerds with telekinesis!