by Devri Walls
Check out my full review HERE (:
I had not heard of this series before this tour and was given a chance to review. I chose to review the first book in the series (because who would ever start at the end and work their way backwards, right? =P ). Also, I'm one to judge a book by its cover (as in, should I read this? Should I sign up..., let's see, what do we have here? Hot protector? Check. Strong female lead that will save the world? Check. Lots of fantastical creatures that I wish lived here on our humble earth society? CHECK!Yup. This book has everything. I cannot believe I marked this...
I am a sucker for fantasy reads, and will admit that I don’t read enough of them! But when I do, it takes everything in me to not just continue reading fantasy only. But then the stories get all jumbled up in my head, and I end with a completely ridiculous story made up of like 3 different stories...
I approached Wings of Arian with some trepidation. The last indie novel I read left me with a bitter taste, and I really wanted to like this novel. I'm on a bit of a fantasy kick right now, and I really enjoyed the last few I read, so it became even easier to begin to expect the worst. But Wings ...
*3.5 stars rounded up to 4I don't really read a lot of straight up fantasy books, but this one has such a gorgeous cover and the synopsis sounded really interesting. Not to mention Devri is really sweet and I was super excited to read and review her book!! Now that I have gotten that out of the way ...
As fantasy is not my favorite genre I went into this with a bit of wariness. Wings of Arian is very much a fantasy with kingdoms, dragons, prophecies, and magic. While it failed to completely enrapture me, I blame this on personal taste rather than flaws in the book itself. Not saying it's flawless ...
Given to me by the author.Will be reviewing when complete.