by B. Kristin McMichael
My Thoughts - 5 out of 5 unicorns - I loved it! **Originally gifted a copy, but I have bought the whole series :) The cover is just beautiful and I really love all the covers for this series :) I really want to add these to my classroom library to share with my students….someday when I’m independ...
This is the last book in Arianna's story and the most action packed. All the outside clans are gathered together for a tournament, Arianna is the prize and whomever wins gets to decide her fate in marriage. Arianna is NOT happy about it either and she just might be a little too smart for the clans ...
A really thrilling end to the series. I love the whole tournament and everything Ari puts in place. She is finally taking the reigns and owning her title as head of 4 houses! She gets to deliver a few set downs along the way, I was like "You go Girl!"I was a touch annoyed at all the guys loving and ...
Winning the Legend was a spectacular ending to this trilogy! I absolutely loved the interactions between Ari and Andrew, they're just the sweetest couple. Turner, Devin, Molina and Thomas definitely brought their A-game for this ending.We finally meet the other clan leaders when they issue a challen...