Winston Groom wielu osobom (także i mi) znany jest jako autor książki „Forest Gump”. Gdy zagłębiłem się w jego twórczość okazało się, że jest autorem 21 książek, z których około sześciu wyszło w Polsce, a wśród niech „Taka śliczna dziewczyna”. Ta wydana w 2005 roku powieść określana je...
I had read this at least 5 years after the movie had come out, partly because a friend explained to me that the narrator was not, indeed, a person of relatively low intelligence, but actually just someone who was very deliberate and slow. I thought I might give it a chance and I was charmed appropri...
First off, if you've seen the movie forget that this book has the same title before you read it. While there are a few similarities they are very different works. This was written with a southern flair which I find difficult to portray in most cases. Thankfully this one came across as a success and ...
I really enjoyed this book. I did not like it quite as well as the movie, but that is not to say that it wasn't worth reading, because it totally was. It is a very funny book.
I think I'll just stick with the movie...
I'm glad I watched the movie first. This book paints a picture of a very different Forrest Gump - and one I actually didn't really like. The book may have been a success on its own with its own merits if we never did see Ron Howard's version of the character through Tom Hanks. But since they did ...
Nothing like the movie. Didn't care for this one at all.
I read this years ago and my memory is a little fuzzy but I remember it was a lot different from the movie. Specifically, Forrest was an astronaut at one point and also ended up stranded on a desert island.
I can't even remember why I read this, but I'm still bitter about it.