by Samantha Norman, Ariana Franklin
84. THE SIEGE WINTER, BY ARIANA FRANKLIN & SAMANTHA NORMANThis was recommended to my by a friend who is a big fan of Ariana Franklin. It was “started” by Ariana and “finished” by her daughter, Samantha. My friend told me she didn’t read this one, but she was sure it would be great. I’m afraid she wi...
9% in is rather early for me to DNF something but I realised something: There are so many better things to do than reading about the redemption-arc of a male character that is offset by him witnessing the rape of a female character. Like looking at pictures of kittens.
I received a copy of this book in an ebook format from the publishers via Net Galley and this is my honest opinion of the book. 1141 and England is in the grip of another war. King Stephen is battling for the crown of England against Empress Mathilda. Gwil, a mercenary, wanders the country, becomi...