by Stephen Benatar, John Carey
Certainly a book not for the weak. This is a brilliant story that does involve insanity. Delusions run wild, just as the narrator voices exactly what we were thinking as well. But slip and slide we shall, and down to great depths of disrepair. Charming and evocative, this is a novel unfortunately r...
Emma Thompson said she 'truly loved this book.' That's enough for me! TO READ.
Initially, I liked the writing style, though it seemed like certain details were skipped over in ways that it was assumed the reader would want to figure out. The plot seemed interesting at first, but eventually, I just didn't like it. Seeing the narrator's connection to reality unravel was really u...
The British main character of this novel, Rachel, worries so much about keeping up appearances, but she is also a social disaster with very little common sense (even though she doesn't know it). I find her to be one part Bridget Jones and one part Hyacinth Bucket. Now imagine that such a person inhe...