by Anya Bast
Witch Blood was a great bit of escapism for a couple hours I forgot about the annoyances of my life and just got lost in Isabelle’s world. Thwarted by Thomas the leader of the witches’s coven catches her in the act of trying to separating a warlock’s life from his body. The very same one who summ...
Blurb from Book:A water witch, Isabelle Novak has always led a chaotic, nomadic existence. But her life spins out of control when her sister—her only friend and emotional anchor—is killed by a demon. Driven by grief and a desire for revenge, she turns her back on the Coven and the rede they hold sac...
Thomas and Isabelle are a fiery couple. I empathize with Isabelle when her sister is killed. I'd feel the same way. I'd want to avenge her death too. This was a good book. I want to read the next book in the series.
The second instalment of the Elemental Witches perhaps unintentionally brings up the question of who's more evil: demons, or the warlocks who summon them. Or, if you prefer: guns, or the people who use them. The answer in this novel seems to be demons (guns), which is good news for me, who had a thi...
The book had a promising beginning taking place in a nightclub, and shortly thereafter, a limousine. Our heroine, water witch Isabelle Novak, is trying to seduce and kill warlock Stefan, whom she holds responsible for her sister’s recent brutal murder at the hands of a demon. Warlocks are basicall...
Overall, the novel was still good, just not what I was expecting. I’m still enjoying this series and I can’t wait until the third one comes out (I think the third one is going to be called Witch Heart, but don’t quote me on that).Read my full review here, click here.