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Witte kat - Holly Black
Witte kat
by: (author)
Format: ebook
ISBN: 9789000303205
Publisher: Van Goor
Edition language: Dutch
Series: Curse Workers (#1)
Community Reviews
Just One More Chapter
Just One More Chapter rated it
"We are, largely, who we remember ourselves to be. That’s why habits are so hard to break. If we know ourselves to be liars, we expect not to tell the truth. If we think of ourselves as honest, we try harder." Wow, where to start? First of all this book starts off right in the thick of it...conf...
SlowReader's Kingdom
SlowReader's Kingdom rated it
3.0 White Cat by Holly Black - Audiobook Review
“White Cat” by Holly Black was surprisingly good. The story centers on Cassel who comes from a family of gifters. Many years back he murdered his best friend Lila but he cannot remember how or why. Now his world gets turned upside down when he starts dreaming of a white cat. This book has an inter...
Fangs for the Fantasy
Fangs for the Fantasy rated it
3.0 White Cat (The Curse Workers #1) by Holly Black
Spoilers Ahead, You Have Been Warned Cassel comes from a family of workers. By workers, I mean workers of magic. His grandfather can kill people with a single touch, his mother has the ability to affect peoples emotions, his oldest brother can rearrange the bodies of others, easily breaking a limb...
Bibliobibuli YA
Bibliobibuli YA rated it
5.0 Who Doesn't Like a Magical Mafia, or my Review of White Cat
Have you ever thought about combining magic and the Mafia? Fortunately, you don’t have to, since Holly Black did, and did it brilliantly. This is definitely one of my favorite books, and my absolute favorite Holly Black series. It showcases the grimness and dark humor she’s excellent at, along with ...
NerdyBirdie rated it
4.0 White Cat by Holly Black (The Curse Workers Trilogy #1)
Hi guys, I hope you’re all having another great day! I’ve been reading and reviewing so much! It’s honestly because I’m off on a break and have been reading a lot from the amount of time I have on my hands. I’m literally going through one book a day. Anyway, this is my review to White Cat by Holly B...
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