by David Markson
(Original Review, 1990)I think the point—or premise?—of “Wittgenstein's Mistress” is that the monologue of the only person on Earth—necessarily, in the physical sense of "only", a "monologue"—is not actually a monologue. Language itself—emerging or disclosed in and through the concrete words and usa...
I ordered myself a copy of this again, because I have a thing where I impress books upon people -- often late at a party, when the confetti has ground in and the eyes water with fatigue and drunk -- and then I never see them again. Or, that's not precisely true. Sometimes they come back years later,...
Kate is the only person living in the world. Well, what I should have said is the only creature living. On my honor, there is nobody else. There are no dogs or cats or seagulls or scorpions. Quite possibly there are no fish either. I did not verify that for certain about the fish, however. ...
I'm on the spot. heavyweights all over the place, professional and published writers alike calling this a touchstone work. gotta justify the 3/5 but off limited wifi. just resist the urge to tap GR, but here we are. can't be making excuses constantly. the 10 second take? it's Markson behind the mask...
Cross-posted on Readerling"In the beginning, sometimes I left messages in the street." There's an old saw, deployed in freshman (or maybe more properly sophomore) English classes about first lines. They set the tone, or gesture to the plot. They are a sign pointing off to the castle. "It is a truth ... if I have been appointed curator of all the world."This book is one continuing monologue of a woman named Kate who is convinced she is the last remaining person (and animal) on earth. She has given up looking for other people, but many of her reflections concern traveling the world in search. ...
David, David, David. How you Wow!* me.** You found your way to me at exactly the right time, and I’m devouring you at a pace McCarthy and Bolaño and Marías could only hope for. Don’t worry Chuck, Bobby, Javi, I’m still yours, but David has earned his place in your esteemed company. I am most pleased...
Today I was walking around the Met, thinking of her.2013: 4 years later, I still think about this book so frequently that I feel it would be dishonest of me not to bump it up to 5 stars.