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Wool - Community Reviews back

by Hugh Howey, Amanda Sayle
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in libris
in libris rated it 8 years ago
I can see why Hugh Howey’s Wool is ripe for bestseller status: the hook is gripping, the characters are relatable, the sci-fi concept is intriguing, and Howey’s prose conveys the action with urgency and clarity. It doesn’t end up quite so satisfying to me, though. There is that one missing thing: de...
Hooked on Books
Hooked on Books rated it 9 years ago
I loved it-it was fantastic! I really liked how Howey sucks you in at the beginning by throwing you little tidbits at a time about the world and the current dynamics. Some authors try to do that but they can't pull it off. You end up completely lost or could careless about what the hell they are tal...
Hushabyebooks rated it 10 years ago
How 'Wool' went for me. Audio: Minnie Goode. ^^^^
Ivie Hill's Rant Rampage
Ivie Hill's Rant Rampage rated it 10 years ago
Have you ever felt guilty about not liking a book? Or is it only me? Or do I have a friend?I will be honest. I had this book for seven, SEVEN months and this is my fifth attempt at reading it. I have had more success and pleasure in watching paint dry. The writing doesn't grip me at all. I get it, I...
Read With ME (207)
Read With ME (207) rated it 10 years ago
Not what I was expectingI thought I had this book figured out but I was very wrong on all points. But now I'm dying to read the next one.
Fiction Fantastic
Fiction Fantastic rated it 10 years ago
Wow... okay... that actually really wasn't what I was expecting... Really enjoyed this short and easy read. I thought I had it figured out but the twist ending had me going "Wait, what?" Immediately bought the next book in the series, and will definitely recommend this to friends.
Roving Book Club
Roving Book Club rated it 10 years ago
Read by Sarah: Great opening! Loved it! Everytime I loved a character they died...
Book Ramblings
Book Ramblings rated it 11 years ago
I just reviewed the Wool Omnibus of which this novella is the first part, so I thought I'd leave the section of that review that deals with this novella here.Wool is set (I believe) in the near future, the year in relation to our calendar is not indicated but there is no weird far future tech to spe...
Konnici na Liriite - Chevalier Du Lys
This short novella was a nice introducing to Wool series but I don't get the vibe other people got. Maybe I read too many apocalpytic fiction stories to be dazzled.So the remnants of the human population lives in a Silo after some unknown event led them there. They've got some view to the outside wo...
Intensely Focused
Intensely Focused rated it 11 years ago
Every time I read about a post-apocalyptic world where people live in seclusion I'm reminded of Fallout. liked the way the society was set up. The history and structure were well thought out, as were the "pressure valves."
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