by Carly Drake
Evelyn is being forced to attend court against her wishes, where her mother hopes she will become handmaiden to the princess, and she has to wear dresses and meet people live in luxury and leave her beloved horse behind because she refuses to ride sidesaddle like a lady. Luckily Evelyn meets two boy...
Review: I have one major gripe about Words Once Spoken. The story doesn’t really end, it just kind of runs out of pages. This is the first in a planned series, and after some kickass action and an engaging journey, everything just trailed off into nothing. I thought the ending was weak, and it di...
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Istyria book blog - B's world of enchanted books*I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review! Thanks!*Oh my god I wanted to love this book so bad. When I saw the cover on Netgalley, I fell in love with it and when I read the blurb I knew I ha...
IT IS MINE!*laughs evilly**splutters**hugs book*