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Writing Jane Austen - Community Reviews back

by Elizabeth Aston, Julia Whelan
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Ceridwen rated it 13 years ago
No.NONONONONONO.OMGWTFBBQ?Man, I have not read that much, but I am so totally done with this. Damn you, library, with your fancy displays and crap with the word Austen in the title. I am a loose and profligate library patron, because all is free for the taking, only with the possible pinch of 30c fi...
The Book Diva's Reads
The Book Diva's Reads rated it 14 years ago
Initially didn't think I was going to like this. Georgina seemed rather put-out that she has been contracted to write in the Jane Austen style. She feels that it somewhat beneath her until she actually reads Jane Austen's works (all 6 books in 1 sitting...WOW!). It is a that point that she realizes ...
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