by Sonya Bateman
This is a slightly unusual UF series, insofar as the protag is a man and there is no romance. It has fae, demons, shifters and a bunch of other standard fantasy entities. The storyline is solid, the main character's voice is good and the read overall enjoyable. Some of the side characters remain...
Gideon, transporter of corpses across New York City, does not lead a conventional life and he certainly hasn’t has a conventional upbringing But even he wasn’t prepared for the corpses to talk back, a werewolf stalking central park and finding a whole world of Fae, magic and more And a team of h...
Few years ago, I read Sonya Bateman's "Gavyn Donatti" urban fantasy series (Master of None and Master and Apprentice) and I really enjoyed it. So I was bummed when I discovered that the series didn't continue -- probably the publisher decided that it wasn't selling enough? Then I found out that she ...