I loved this book, but I can see how not everyone will enjoy it. Describing it as "part detective novel, part psychological thriller" feels like a stretch and doesn't capture the essence of the story. This book is a journey. It's the main character figuring out life. It isn't necessarily the events ...
I really wanted to give this one 4 stars, but the ending just left me flat.
While I wouldn't exactly call this the most important novel of the 20th century, there is still a lot to be had from it.
I went into this thinking due to its size and that it was from so early in her work that it would likely be a very good but likely a slight read. Man was I ever wrong.This is a masterpiece of epic proportions. And while it is a slim volume, it is no single way slight. I still feel as if I am breathi...
Other thoughts/reviews:Iris on Books: http://irisonbooks.com/2012/12/05/surfacing-by-margaret-atwood/