Title: 20 Fragments of Ravenous Youth Author: Xiaolu Guo Publisher: Vintage Digital Publication Date: Jan 1st 2001 Page Number: 208 pages Blurb: Life as a film extra in Beijing might seem hard, but Fenfang won't be defeated. She has travelled 1800 miles to seek her fortune in the city, and has no...
Language and love collide in this inventive novel of a young Chinese woman's journey to the West and her attempts to understand the language, and the man, she adores.Zhuang – or “Z,” to tongue-tied foreigners – has come to London to study English, but finds herself adrift, trapped in a cycle of cult...
Life as a film extra in Beijing might seem hard, but Fenfang won't be defeated. She has travelled 1800 miles to seek her fortune in the city, and has no desire to return to the never-ending sweet potato fields back home. Determined to live a modern life, Fenfang works as a cleaner in the Young Pione...
I completely identified with this book. It brilliantly captures the feeling of immersing yourself in a foreign language and culture. What happens when you begin to fluently speak, live and love in another language is fascinating. The author manages to convey so very well, how the beliefs impregna...