Yan Nascimbene
Birth date: April 03, 1949
Died: February 01, 2013
Yan Nascimbene's Books
I bought this book because of the illustrations. But the story is a sensitive take on a child's feeling alienated because of being in a new school. I love all the nuances in the story and the illustrations just add to the wonder of it.If you haven't seen this book, you must.
A Chinese-American boy learns martial arts from his grandfather.
Saw the movie and when I saw the book come through I grabbed. Both the hubs and I enjoyed this quick book. Based on a true story of a loyal dog and that statue erected in Hachiko's honor at the train station. Quick, enjoyable if not heart tugging.
Saw the movie and when I saw the book come through I grabbed. Both the hubs and I enjoyed this quick book. Based on a true story of a loyal dog and that statue erected in Hachiko's honor at the train station. Quick, enjoyable if not heart tugging.