Yasmina Reza
Birth date: May 01, 1959
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Situazioni grottesche ma credibili. Coppie che vivono monologando, incapaci di comunicare in una società dove è obbligo indossare la maschera della serenità per celare le solitudini private. Perché agli altri va mostrato ciò che vogliono vedere. Felici i felici. Mentire a tutti per mentire a se stes...
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I love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love this play, have since I first saw. Every time I see a white painting, I laughed. This audio version is wonderful and will have people looking at you as you burst into laughter.Truth about friendships and art. This audio includes talks with translat...
Perhaps it's not fair to expect the writer of a wonderfully witty play ([b:'Art'|284022|'Art'|Yasmina Reza|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1347254006s/284022.jpg|275545]) to be as good at writing a novella, even one that is really just one long soliloquy. Nevertheless, I was sorely disappointed by this...
All but the last piece, "Life X 3", are worth reading. I especially enjoyed "Conversations After a Burial". I do prefer the novels (or memoir) of Yasmina Reza and look forward, eagerly, for more translations forthcoming.