YOUNG JEAN LEE was born in Korea in1974 and moved to the United States when she was two.She grew up in Pullman, WA and attended college at UCBerkeley, where she majored in English. Immediatelyafter college, she entered Berkeley's English PhDprogram, where she studied Shakespeare for six...
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YOUNG JEAN LEE was born in Korea in1974 and moved to the United States when she was two.She grew up in Pullman, WA and attended college at UCBerkeley, where she majored in English. Immediatelyafter college, she entered Berkeley's English PhDprogram, where she studied Shakespeare for six yearsbefore dropping out and moving to New York to become aplaywright in 2002. Since then, she has directed herplays at the Public Theater (CHURCH), (P.S. 122(CHURCH; Pullman, WA), HERE Arts Center (Songs of theDragons Flying to Heaven), Soho Rep (The Appeal), andthe Ontological-Hysteric Theater (Groundwork of theMetaphysic of Morals). She has worked with Radioholeand the National Theater of the United States ofAmerica. She is a member of New Dramatists and 13P, hasdone residencies at Yaddo and the MacDowell Colony, andhas an MFA from Mac Wellman's playwriting program atBrooklyn College. Her plays have been published in NewDowntown Now, an anthology edited by Mac Wellman andherself, in Three Plays by Young Jean Lee (SamuelFrench), American Theatre magazine (September 2007),and will soon be published in a collection of all ofher plays entitled Songs of the Dragons Flying toHeaven and Other Plays (Theatre Communications Group).She is the recipient of grants from the Foundation forContemporary Arts, the Rockefeller MAP Foundation, theGreenwall Foundation, the Jerome Foundation, and theNew York State Council on the Arts. Her work has beeninvited to tour to venues in Vienna, Hannover, Berlin,Zurich, Brussels, Bergen, Oslo, Trondheim, Rotterdam,Salamanca, Toulouse, Portland, Seattle, Philadelphia,Columbus, Pittsburgh, and Minneapolis. She will directher new play The Shipment at the Walker Art Center fromOctober 30-November 2, 2008, and at The Kitchen fromJanuary 8-24, 2009. She will direct her adaptation ofKing Lear at Soho Rep in January 2010, and has beencommissioned to write a new musical (with music by MikeDoughty) for Playwrights Horizons. She is the artisticdirector of Young Jean Lee's Theater Company ( and is the recipient of the ZKBPatronage Prize 2007 of the Zuercher Theater Spektakeland a 2007 Emerging Playwright OBIE Award.
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