Yuki Urushibara
Birth date: January 23, 1974
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I’m a bit disappointment that there was no conclusion to Ginko’s story and his life as human. Since this is the last volume I did expect that there will be chapter of Ginko having the same end as Nui.
After reading first volume I decided to watch first anime episode but ended watching episode after episode. Today I continue watching anime and after I have decided to see movie as well. Summary is misleading leading to believe that mushi are evil or at least hostile to humans but that’s not true. [...
"Don't let yourself be blinded by fear and anger. Everything is only as it is..." (Nui to Ginko)From the beginning I wondered if Ginko is oni-ko (descendant of human and mushi) or at least foreigner (Dutch, British, American etc) due to his green eye colour and blond/grey hair. (Especially his cloth...
Now that I have a better understanding of what the Mushi are, I find myself enjoying this more. Still there are parts where I'm very confused.Really liked Ginko's origin story.
Was a little confused but I understood by the time I was at the end of the book. Pretty interesting.