I saw the latest Zep in a Geneva bookshop the other day, but, after leafing through a good third of it, decided not to part with my 25 Swiss Francs. I loved Happy Sex - unfortunately, this one basically seemed to be outtakes from the earlier book, or close to it. Of course, outtakes are often funny,...
It was okay, but I didn't like it nearly as much as Happy Sex. Sort of a French cross between Calvin and Hobbes (though without Hobbes) and South Park.The drawing is excellent, but I found most of the jokes rather feeble. Maybe the later numbers in this incredibly popular series are more fun? Though...
I've just finished translating this masterpiece... I was going to post it on my "Translations" page, but saner members of the household persuaded me in time that that might not be a good idea. If you want a copy, give me your email address and I'll send you the PDF.Happy Valentine's Day, Internet!__...