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Zsuzsi Gartner
Zsuzsi Gartner's Books
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Expendable Mudge Muses Aloud
Expendable Mudge Muses Aloud rated it 12 years ago
Rating: 3.5* of fiveThe Book Description: Whether she takes on evolution and modern manhood, international adoption, real estate, the movie industry, science and faith, art, or terrorism, Gartner fillets the righteous and the ridiculous with dexterity in equal, heartbreaking, and glorious measure.An...
truepenny rated it 13 years ago
Contemplations on Canadian modernity through extended metaphors cum magic realism done superbly and artfully. This book proves the written word is a legitimate and visceral art like any other and can do far, far more than just tell stories or convey facts. Vague but precise, creative and mystical ye...
Cheryl's books
Cheryl's books rated it 14 years ago
Barely controlled energy propels these short stories. Sharp, fast jabs then wild arcing swings.The first story, "Summer of the Flesh Eater" was my favourite. The story is told from the perspective of one of the pretentious neighbours who really doesn't have any insight into their snotty-ness, as i...
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