Zwischen uns die halbe Welt (Sommerflirt, #2)
Format: kindle
Publish date: June 10th 2013
Publisher: cbt
Pages no: 353
Edition language: Deutsch
Young Adult,
Realistic Fiction,
Contemporary Romance,
Womens Fiction,
Chick Lit,
Young Adult Contemporary,
Young Adult Romance
Series: How to Ruin (#2)
Ach, wie hab ich mich auf dieses Buch gefreut. Ich bin fast am Erscheinungstag in den Buchladen gestürmt und hab mir erst einmal dieses Buch besorgt. Abends habe ich es dann in einem Zug verschlugen. Dazu kann man nämlich nicht mehr lesen sagen. Ich habe beinahe die Wörter von den Buchseiten gezogen...
Well, a Simone Elkeles book is always a good read for me. How to Ruin book 2 made me gasp courtesy of Nathan. But Team Avi still. This is an easy read. And the pov, though single, is witty and funny, like a real teenager. Sababa. :)
2,5 Punkte. Ich und Simone Elkeles werden keine Freunde.
I loved this book! I think Avi and Amy's relationship is pretty near perfect, and I'm requesting the next book from the library riiiiight... NOW! I think Amy becoming Jewish gives this book a unique twist. I also like how dedicated Amy is to anything she sets her mind too. (Although her "aba" needs ...
After I finished the first book, i couldn't wait to start the next one. And I wasn't disapoined although I had my doubts in a few places. And the end - what an end was that. I seriously though that I don't have the whole book.