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Adrian Alphona
Adrian Alphona's Books
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Danielle's Reading Adventures
Danielle's Reading Adventures rated it 6 years ago
A required read for my Readings in the Graphic Novel class, but it was a fun one. I've never read any of the Captain Marvel books, so I came into this fresh. It's fun to discover this series without any preconceived notions. In the discussion, classmates brought up some issues that I didn't necessar...
Booky rated it 7 years ago
Yes! Definitely the series's best installment so far. 4.5 stars
TeaStitchRead rated it 7 years ago
This was a fun read. I like that this book takes us through Kamala's processing her new powers and trying on different costumes - I liked that this wasn't simple for her. I liked Bruno, I just wished he and Kamala had a friendship that didn't include Bruno being secretly in love with her. Nakia was ...
Booky rated it 7 years ago
This volume started off with a really strong first chapter. It was hilarious and campy.I was much less impressed with the rest of the volume, however. I went from enjoying the absurdism of the universe to cringing at the plot.Basically: teenagers are being used by the villain as batteries, and this ...
Feminism in Cold Storage
Feminism in Cold Storage rated it 7 years ago
Volume five begins a new set of Ms. Marvel storylines where she's pretty well established and even became an Avenger along the way. It actually has two stories told in sets of three issues, beginning several months after the events of Volume Four. The first one is about her fame being used without h...
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