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Animation Methods - Rigging Made Easy: Rig your first 3D Character in Maya - David Rodriguez
Animation Methods - Rigging Made Easy: Rig your first 3D Character in Maya
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A beginners guide to rigging your first 3D Character in Maya. This book will explain the rigging process without the nerdy technical words that have made it difficult for you to learn. You'll finally be able to understand rigging in a way you've been waiting for. Rigging made Easy! Turn that... show more
A beginners guide to rigging your first 3D Character in Maya. This book will explain the rigging process without the nerdy technical words that have made it difficult for you to learn. You'll finally be able to understand rigging in a way you've been waiting for. Rigging made Easy! Turn that model into a moving character with life and personality. This book will walk you step-by-step with pictures, videos, and files found at www.AnimationMethods.com.
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Format: paperback
ISBN: 9781484127735 (1484127730)
Pages no: 172
Edition language: English
Books by David Rodriguez
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