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Anne-Marie Millard
North London born and bred from an English Father and a Danish Mother, I spent the first few decades of my life running round in lycra and trainers, teaching various aspects of health, fitness and the martial arts. However in any persons life there comes a point when either squeezing into lycra... show more

North London born and bred from an English Father and a Danish Mother, I spent the first few decades of my life running round in lycra and trainers, teaching various aspects of health, fitness and the martial arts. However in any persons life there comes a point when either squeezing into lycra hotpants or squeezing into a crowded underground train comes less exciting and more of a tiresome bind. After the birth of my first daughter Tabitha, we moved (all three generations) to the beautiful county of Suffolk in Eastern England. Not knowing anything about the great outdoors, it was an interesting few first years with a rapid learning curve. However by the time my second daughter was born (Matilda) I had settled happily into a rural lifestyle surround by dogs, cats, ponies, sheep, goats, ducks and chickens. With my fitness career dwindling I took to breeding spaniels and fell into a whole new career of breeding dogs....now finds me still surrounded by animals, usually covered in mud or sitting next to the Aga with my laptop in front of me, still writing as long as I have someone to read it...

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