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Are Women Human? - Community Reviews back

by Dorothy L. Sayers
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Rowena's Reviews
Rowena's Reviews rated it 12 years ago
Quite witty and thought-provoking.
Kim Reads and Bakes
Kim Reads and Bakes rated it 13 years ago
Great stuff! Dorothy L Sayers claimed not to be a feminist. However, if a feminist is a person who believes that women and men should have equal rights, then Sayers was definitely one. These writings exemplify Sayers: pithy, witty, seriously smart and still relevant 70 years down the track.
Allusion is not Illusion
Allusion is not Illusion rated it 14 years ago
Sayers' answer is, of course, Yes. Her point is that both men and women often argue as if women were an undifferentiated class, inherently different from men (the real humans) and necessarily possessed of a common female set of needs, desires, opinions, abilities, etc. She argues that the first prer...
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