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Bill Crider
I was born and brought up in Mexia (that's pronounced Muh-HAY-uh by the natives), Texas, went to college at The University of Texas and North Texas State University, and taught high school and college classes for many years. In 2002 I retired as Chair of the Division of English and Fine Arts at... show more

I was born and brought up in Mexia (that's pronounced Muh-HAY-uh by the natives), Texas, went to college at The University of Texas and North Texas State University, and taught high school and college classes for many years. In 2002 I retired as Chair of the Division of English and Fine Arts at Alvin Community College, in Alvin, Texas. I'm married to the lovely Judy, and we have two grown children, Angela, who's an attorney in San Francisco, and Allen, who's in the music business in Austin. Other than that, I'm a pretty boring guy.
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Injoy's Blogs + Book Reviews
Injoy's Blogs + Book Reviews rated it 8 years ago
Outrage at Blanco, An Ellie Taine Thriller by Bill Crider is a well written book that kept my attention from beginning to end. I enjoyed the prequel to Texas Vigilante very much. I gave it five stars. "Jink stood up. He was as slim as a snake, narrow in all the places that Ben was wide, & short w...
Injoy's Blogs + Book Reviews
Injoy's Blogs + Book Reviews rated it 9 years ago
Texas Vigilante: An Ellie Taine Thriller by Bill Crider is the sequel to Outrage at Blanco. I had not read the previous novel but this one can stand alone. I gave it five stars even though I don't read a lot of westerns. I was surprised by the cover photo with a woman wearing modern sunglasses sin...
Ma Bell's Books and stuff
Ma Bell's Books and stuff rated it 10 years ago
I picked up this book at my local library because I have been a Bill Crider fan for years. Lots of Texans like to read his books because they are funny, smart, and the Texas settings are as important as the characters and plots. His Sheriff Dan Rhodes books are clever and fun, and Dan reminds me of ...
Wyvernfriend Reads
Wyvernfriend Reads rated it 11 years ago
This is a very mixed bag of stories, all clever and all interesting. These take a twist on the stories of fairy tale, taking a more crime oriented look at these stories. Many of them are clever and interesting but some of them are a litle laboured, trying to twist the story a little too much to fi...
Intensely Focused
Intensely Focused rated it 12 years ago
I thought it was a solid anthology. None of the stories really stood out as ones that will stick with me but none of them stood out for poor quality either. I was a little surprised that the stories took place in the same few locations but I suppose those would have been the happening places at the ...
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