Quoi de plus ridicule que d'être effrayé ou surpris de la ressemblance entre un homme vivant et le portrait d'un mort?Elle se sentit donc consolée par cette réflexion, et peut-être aussi par la conviction inexplicable, puisée dans les cœurs de tous ceux qui aiment, que l'amour ne peut jamais exister...
What, none of my GR friends has read this? Lotta help you jerks are.
IntroductionNote on the TextSelect BibliographyA Chronology of Charles Robert Maturin--Melmoth the WandererExplanatory Notes
This had been sitting on my shelf to read for some time now, for some reason it never felt like the time. Most of the classic fiction I have read has been in much shorter form and I was quite intimidated by this Gothic epic that I worried might be quite hard work. After completing it, it did feel li...
Yes, but Kindle.
http://melmoththedamned.blogspot.com/2009/01/melmoth-wanderer-part-1.htmlIn the autumn of 1816, John Melmoth, a student in Trinity College, Dublin, quitted it to attend a dying uncle on whom his hopes for independence chiefly rested.
I read this play in the 1817 8th edition. Disappointing after Maturin's novels, but it could improve a little on the stage, if one takes into account the basic shortcomings of melodrama. I felt, however, that it didn't have the psychological depth of Melmoth or Montorio. The influence of Byron was v...
[These notes were made in 1982. I read the 1807 edition:]. To tell you the awful truth, I enjoyed this book immensely - more than Melmoth, which was too, too revolting in some places. This one was just revolting enough! The speeches in which Schemoli (Schemoli-Schedoni; I know) describes his life ...