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Clive Barker - Community Reviews back

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Joel Hunter Gun
Joel Hunter Gun rated it 10 years ago
This book creeped me out so much when I was a kid that I wouldn't keep it in my room! Now that I am much older, I keep it on my writing desk at all times. This book of short stories is unique and thought provoking, with a sinister twist of the macabre. It's because of books like this that I am proud...
Konnici na Liriite - Chevalier Du Lys
This is the first book of two sets of trilogies of short stories. So far there are no interconnected stories but from what I read somewhere all 6 books were written in 18 months.First of all - I enjoy reading Clive Barker's novels but there is something there that I can't put my finger on, that make...
MizNikki rated it 11 years ago
The Yattering and Jack was my favorite. A demon is constantly taunting Jack. It got 4 stars and so did The Meat Train. Pig Blood Blues was a solid 3 but the last two about actors being dead, and the human mashed giant only get two.
MatthewHunter rated it 12 years ago
I knew I was getting into some gory business when I picked up Books of Blood. The opening quote says it all: "Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we're opened, we're red." What I didn't know was that Clive Barker would blow me away with his talent, creativity, and stunning imagination. Maybe I sh...
Bark at the Ghouls
Bark at the Ghouls rated it 14 years ago
I originally read this book when it was a brand new release and I was fourteen. I remember buying it with my allowance at the local drugstore. I'm betting most of it went over my head at the time but I have fond memories of scaring people away from speaking to me when reading this. I'm curious h...
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