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David Price
David Price grew up watching Creature Feature and reading comic books. He has been a fan of horror, fantasy, and science fiction his whole life. In college, his freshman composition teacher suggested that he major in English and focus on his writing. After working for more than twenty-five years... show more

David Price grew up watching Creature Feature and reading comic books. He has been a fan of horror, fantasy, and science fiction his whole life. In college, his freshman composition teacher suggested that he major in English and focus on his writing. After working for more than twenty-five years as a contractor, David has decided use his imagination and follow his dreams. He is an active member of the New England Horror Writers.
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Community Reviews
Obi rated it 7 years ago
Anthologies are never an easy choice.It is difficult to maintain the same standard throughout the different stories.Some are good, even very good, some are ok and some are barely ok.Still,all in all,a good (and interesting! )introduction to the witches of New England.
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