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Elementals - Water. Collected by Peter Dickinson and Robin McKinley - Peter Dickinson
Elementals - Water. Collected by Peter Dickinson and Robin McKinley
by: (author)
Format: paperback
ISBN: 9780552565011 (0552565016)
Publisher: Corgi Children's
Edition language: English
Series: Tales of Elemental Spirits
Community Reviews
Wyvernfriend Reads
Wyvernfriend Reads rated it
4.0 Elementals Water
An interesting series of stories rotating around the theme of water, split 50/50 between Robin McKinley and Peter Dickinson. Explores the role of water with fantasy and mythology.
Sesana rated it
A collection of six stories themed around water, written well but not exactly connecting with me. The Sea King's Son was easily my favorite, with its sweet, earnest romance. I feel very sure that I've read this before elsewhere, but can't think of where. It didn't matter, I still liked reading it. T...
Allusion is not Illusion
Allusion is not Illusion rated it
Six stories by married authors Peter Dickinson and Robin McKinley, to varying degrees themed around the element of water. Overall I liked McKinley's better (no surprise there), but Dickinson's "Kraken" was quite good too, making up for the dullness of his "Sea Serpent". The last three stories were b...
ambyr rated it
1.0 Water
I'm not entirely sure why I didn't just abandon it. Vain hope, I guess, that there might be one short story that stood out. Not recommended.
By Singing Light
By Singing Light rated it
by Robin McKinley and Peter DickinsonThis is the first in a planned series called Elementals, all consisting of short stories by Dickinson and McKinley.* The second, Fire, has just come out.** So, naturally, I decided it was time for a re-read.Overall, I really enjoyed the book. While the openi...
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