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Elisa Kwon
Elisa Kwon's Books
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Community Reviews
The Fiction Fairy
The Fiction Fairy rated it 12 years ago
This was one of my favorite mangas... I think maybe because I read the books first.And after reading the books, Well, I was still craving more of Alexander & Raven's story. The manga isn't a continuation (although that would be so cool!), it's a different story adding in more about Alexander's famil...
Bibliopunkk rated it 14 years ago
So, Vampire Kisses...it's done... it's finally done. Well, I say finally with a teaspoon of salt (it only took me a week to read 10 books). I liked them, a lot. They're silly and camp. They're pulp. They don't require a lot of brain power. Pure fun.This finishes the manga plot line that began with v...
Bibliopunkk rated it 14 years ago
So, Vampire Kisses...it's done... it's finally done. Well, I say finally with a teaspoon of salt (it only took me a week to read 10 books). I liked them, a lot. They're silly and camp. They're pulp. They don't require a lot of brain power. Pure fun.This finishes the manga plot line that began with v...
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