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Getting in God's Face: How Prayer Really Works - Dutch Sheets
Getting in God's Face: How Prayer Really Works
by: (author)
Is Prayer really necessary? Why does it often take so long to get a prayer answered? What about praying for non-Christian friends? What exactly is intercessory prayer? Is everything that happens to me or my familly allowed by God? Or, is there something I need to do to make sure we're safe? For... show more
Is Prayer really necessary? Why does it often take so long to get a prayer answered? What about praying for non-Christian friends? What exactly is intercessory prayer? Is everything that happens to me or my familly allowed by God? Or, is there something I need to do to make sure we're safe? For sturdents with questions about prayer, Getting in God's Face takes them on a jo
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Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780830738014 (0830738010)
Publisher: Regal
Pages no: 160
Edition language: English
Other editions (1)
Books by Dutch Sheets
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